Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Natural Supplements for Womens Health: Blood Sugar

Natural Supplements for Womens Health: Blood Sugar

One of the problems that women face is a blood sugar. There are a number of factors that can cause high blood sugar levels. Pregnancy and menopause change estrogen levels which affect metabolism and how body processes fat. In turn, that affects blood sugar levels. Menstruation also affects blood sugar, at least indirectly. Everyone has heard about "those pesky hormones" and all about craving certain foods like salty items such as chips or everyone's favorite treat, chocolate. With some dietary changes and a little help from supplements you can achieve a healthy balance in your blood sugar levels.

Tackling the Diet

Carbohydrates are important for your body, but eating too many of them in your diet can cause your blood sugar to have more drastic highs and lows. In addition, you'll find that more fat collects along your midriff and hips. By being selective in the types of carbs you ingest, you will still get what you need in your diet but without those blood sugar swings.

Just say no to processed foods. Basically white foods - anything with white flour and sugars - are converted more quickly to glucose in your body. This causes a spike in your blood sugar levels that lasts just a short time. Before you know it, your energy plummets and you feel lethargic because that "sugar rush" is gone. Then, in order to get that energy level back up, you eat more carbs and the cycle starts all over again.

By choosing carbohydrates that are found in whole grain foods, your body has to work harder to process them. What this means for you is that extreme high-low factor goes away and you are left with a more balanced blood sugar level and your energy level is more consistent. And because your body works harder to process these types of carbohydrates, you are expending calories, meaning less fat gets deposited in your mid-section.

Vitamins and Supplements

While taking care with your diet helps greatly, sometimes you just need an additional boost. This is where women supplements and vitamins for women come in. Business is booming with herbal supplements and special vitamin formulas. But which ones help with your blood sugar?

When your blood sugar levels fluctuate, it can be draining on your body and leave you feeling a bit sluggish. Taking supplements for women that contain chromium might give you a boost and alleviate some of that fatigue. If you have diabetes or might be prone to developing it, ginseng can also be beneficial. It has been known to boost metabolism and help control blood sugar.

If you are looking for vitamins or supplements you have to make sure you only buy high quality products. Always look for products from companies that only specialize in vitamins and supplements products for women. One of the companies that makes nutrients for women and specializes in supplements for women health is nutraOrigin.

There are a number of other women vitamins and supplements that could also be beneficial. However, be sure the check with your doctor to determine which ones might be best for you. If you are taking other medications, certain vitamins or women supplements might counteract with them.

It all boils down to common sense. Do your research into the different vitamins and supplements. Make positive changes in your diet. Women are built differently than men. Therefore, you must be more diligent with your body and what goes into it for your health.

The Truth About Hair Loss

The Truth About Hair Loss

It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100 - 125 hairs on any given day. Hair that is shed falls out at the end of growth cycle. At any given time 10% of our hair is in what is called a "resting phase" and after 2- 3 months resting, hair falls out and new hair grows in its place. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal.

As we get older, both men and women experience some hair loss. It's a normal part of the aging process. Called Androgenetic Alopecia, it accounts for 95% of all hair loss. Androgentic Alopecia often runs in families and affects some people more than others. In men it is often referred to as Male Pattern Baldness. It is characterized by a receding hair line and baldness on the top of head. Women, on the other hand, don't go entirely bald even if their hair loss is severe. Instead, hair loss is spread out evenly over their entire scalp.

Hormones play the dominant role when talking about Androgenetic Alopecia. Simple put, both men and women produce testosterone. Testosterone can be converted to dihydrotestosterone ( DHT) with the aid of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. DHT shrinks hair follicles causing the membranes in the scalp to thicken, become inelastic and restrict blood flow. This causes the hair follicles to atrophy. As a result, when a hair does fall out, it is not replaced.

Needless to say, men produce more testosterone than women and experience more hair loss.

While Androgenetic Alopecia is the number one reason why individuals experience hair loss, it is not the only one. Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, ringworm and fungal infections can cause hair loss. Certain medications such as blood thinners, gout medication, birth control pills and too much vitamin A can cause sudden or abnormal hair loss as can following a crash diet, sudden hormonal changes, chemotherapy and radiation.

Emotional stress, pregnancy, or surgery can also cause our hair to fall out and is usually not noticed until 3-4 months after the stressful event has taken place. Stress can cause a slowing of new hair growth because a larger number of hair follicles enter into the resting phase and no new hair growth is experienced.

Another way in which individuals experience hair loss is due to mechanical stressors on the hair and scalp. Wearing pigtails, cornrows or tight rollers that end up pull on the hair can scar the scalp and cause permanent hair loss. Hair products such as hot oil treatments and chemicals used for permanents can cause inflammation to the hair follicles which can also result in scarring and hair loss.

For some, hair loss may be the early warning sign of a more serious disorder such as lupus or diabetes, so it is important to talk to your doctor. If you or someone you know is suffering from hair loss, here are some alternative health ideas that can help naturally.

Recommendations For Wellness

If you are taking prescription medications, talk to your doctor and find out if your medication is contributing to your hair loss.

Avoid mega-doses of vitamin A. Too much vitamin A can cause your hair to fall out.

Exercise, do yoga, meditate or find some other practice that will help to reduce your anxiety and stress levels.

Massage your scalp with rosemary oil in an olive oil base. Both rosemary oil and massaging the scalp can stimulate the circulation in the scalp and promote hair growth.

If you are a women, have your female hormones tested. If they are imbalanced, talk to your health care provider about bio-identical hormone replacements.

If you wear pigtails, cornrows, use a curling iron, hair dryer or hot rollers, try changing your hair style to one that puts less pressure and stress on your hair and scalp.

If hot oil treatments or chemicals such as those used in permanents are causing inflammation to the scalp, discontinue their use, or reduce the number of times you are using them.

Use gentle shampoos and conditioners to avoid any unnecessary damage to your hair.

In men, herbs such as saw palmetto and licorice root help block the formation of D HT. The same holds true for supplementation with zinc. As an added benefit, studies show that these supplements can also help prevent prostate enlargement.

Author Bio
Dr. Rita Louise, Ph D is a Naturopathic Physician and the founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics. Visit or for more information.

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Cara Alami Memperbesar Payudara Anda Dengan Seketika

Cara Alami Memperbesar Payudara Anda Dengan Seketika

Payudara merupakan simbol keindahan wanita, tentunya banyak wanita yang berusaha untuk memperindah bagian yang satu ini untuk menunjang penampilannya. banyak yang bilang bahwa wanita yang memiliki payudara indah adalah wanita yang seksi. ada beberapa cara yang bisa ditempuh untuk menjaga kesehatan dan keindahan payudara hingga menggunakan suplemen peransang dan diantara lain adalah tips memperbesar payudara di bawah ini.

- Pilih bra yang tepat

Pilihlah bra yang mengangkat payudara karena bisa membuatnya terlihat penuh dan padat. Dengan kesan tersebut, payudara bisa terlihat lebih besar. Untuk memilih bra yang tepat jangn segan-segan untuk mecoba saat membelinya

- Olahraga kencangkan otot payudara

Anda bisa membentuk dan membesarkan payudara dengan berolahraga. Michael George, ahli kebugaran dan penulis buku “Body Express Makeover: Trim and Sculpt Your Body in Less than Six Weeks,” merekomendasikan latihan bagi Anda yang ingin memperbesar payudara, seperti push-up dan angkat beban (dumbel).

Dengan melakukannya sebanyak dua set (setiap set 15 kali hitungan) serta tiga kali dalam seminggu, payudara bisa terangkat dan terlihat lebih besar.

Selain itu, Anda juga bisa mencoba gerakan ini.

- Duduklah di kursi kayu dengan telapak kaki menempel di lantai. Dengan tangan 90 derajat pegang dumbel kemudian angkat hingga sejajar bahu. Rasakan beban hingga dada.

- Lakukan juga gerakan menutup dan membuka tangan 90 derajat. Rasakan beban dumbel hingga otot punggung dan dada. Gerakan tersebut bisa membentuk otot dada Anda sehingga payudara terlihat lebih besar dan padat

Semoga Sukses


Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Valentines Gifts

Valentines Gifts

Here are a bunch of loving ideas for guys for valentine's day gifts.Gifts for new boyfriends or “just dating”
No girl wants to scare off a new guy by going overboard with a mushy valentines gifts, but she wants to show she cares. Some cool-but-casual gift ideas for new dates are:

* A cool mini locker filled with various candy bars
* A cd of his favorite band or something he’s never heard
* An indoor picnic just for two (put a checkered tablecloth on the floor and pack a picnic basket)
* A slightly romantic card with a dash of humor
* A jar full of conversation hearts
* A big giant valentine mylar balloon

one can be a little more mushy with a longer term boyfriend or husband. Pick a gift to go with his personality, be it sweet and sensitive, fun and corny, or hopelessly romantic.

* The classic giant heart-shaped box of chocolates (skip the ones with lace, though)
* For a boyfriend or husband, gather up a stack of milk chocolate bars, a big bag of marshmallows, and a box of graham crackers, with a couple marshmallow roasting sticks. Make a card to add that says “every day i love you s’more!”
* Cut out 100 hearts of various colors of paper. Stick them up all over his room, office, car, or garage door. Write conversation heart sayings on some of them (like “be mine, luv u, my guy, and so on.)
* For a sensitive boyfriend, a single red rose will touch his heart (chocolate roses are fun too).
* For a man with a hobby, empty a big heart-shaped chocolate box and fill it with things he’ll love, like dvds, fishing gear, guitar strings and picks, a journal, computer supplies, art supplies, and more. Add a few chocolates too.
* Fill his wallet with confetti hearts and hide love notes in his pockets, car, books, or cabinets.

St. Valentine’s day date ideas or events as gifts
It’s fun to plan valentines gifts such as surprise outing or event for someone special, even if that person is just a good friend. Here are some ideas for romantic, fun, and casual dates for saint valentine’s day and evening


7 Red Roses

7 Red Roses

Red roses are to valentine's day what kisses are to love; they make it that much sweeter. Thanks to their beauty and fragrance, red roses have long been a valentine's day symbol.
Whether you can afford to buy single red roses, a small bouquet of red roses combined with other flowers, long-stemmed red roses, or an entire room filled with red roses, the gifts below can convey the depth of your feelings.

1. Red roses in a ruby vase
Red roses for valentine's day plus a lovely ruby-colored mosaic glass vase to treasure as a keepsake.
2. One dozen red roses
This classic valentine's day bouquet contains twelve beautiful red roses. You have the option of upgrading to add more red roses fill out the bouquet and make it even more impressive looking.

3. Red roses and calla lilies
The epitome of valentine's day sophistication, red roses and calla lilies are an elegant combination that symbolize enduring passion.
4. One dozen long stemmed fancy red roses
In red roses, as in life, sometimes bigger is better. This selection of long-stemmed red roses features big-headed and elegantly long red roses that open beautifully, each petal a work of art.
5. Martha stewart's perfect rose bouquet
A precious cluster of deep red and lavender roses is arrayed inside a silvery julep cup that measures a little over 4 inches and can be treasured as a valentine's day keepsake. Also features petite pink roses. Entire presentation, with cup and roses, stands approximately 8 inches tall.
6. Two dozen long-stemmed roses
When a dozen red roses feel like a little less than you want to send and three dozen red roses may stress your budget, choose two dozen red roses to delight your love.
7. Pot of red roses
Does she have a green thumb? In that case, she may appreciate this small rose plant even more than cut flowers. The red roses arrive in bloom and can be replanted outside in warm weather.valentines gifts


Syarat Membeli Atap Baja Ringan

Syarat Membeli Atap Baja Ringan

Ada banyak pilihan jenis material untuk konstruksi atap rumah. Salah satunya, baja ringan. Material ini mulai banyak dipergunakan karena, realtif lebih murah, lebih ringan, dan lebih tahan lama. Nah masalahnya, di pasar bahan bangunan, ada berbagai jenis bahan, merek, dan harga bahan untuk rangka atap ini. Lalu mesti pilih yang mana?
Sebelum membeli atap baja, konsumen perlu lebih teliti. Teliti dalam mengenali material dan sistem rangka atap baja ringan secara utuh, bukan sekadar tawaran dari supplier atau kontraktor. Untuk memahami rangka atap baja ringan maka kita harus mengerti dahulu bahwa produk ini adalah produk struktur yang menopang beban atap, angin, dan kehidupan di bawah atap nantinya.
Ketika memilih, ada 4 komponen utama dalam rangka atap baja ringan yang harus anda perhatian:

1. Kekuatan bahan baja. Bahan baja memiliki beragam tingkat kekuatan. Saat ini yang terbaik adalah baja ringan yang memiliki spesifikasi g550 atau tegangan leleh 550 mpa. Bahan ini berbeda dengan baja konvesional, yang memiliki tegangan leleh 300 mpa (g300). Namun karena sifat dasar baja adalah berkarat, maka baja ini pun harus diberi proteksi terhadap karat. Ada dua jenis proteksi; galvaniz atau pelapis yang tebuat dari seng, dan zinczlume yang terbuat dari campuran seng, aluminium dan silicon.
2. Cermati desain dan perhitungan struktur. Ada beberapa tipe penyedia rangka atap baja ringan. Produsen terkenal banyak yang menggunakan software khusus untuk membuat rancangan desain rangka atap dan menghitung tingkat kekuatannya. Beberapa produsen lain tidak menggunakan software tersebut. Software diyakini dapat menghitung tingkat kekuatan rangka secara lebih detail. Bahkan, dalam software itu dapat disimulasikan beban rangka atap kelak. Dari software ini antara lain dihasilkan gambar kerja rinci yang menunjukkan dimensi rangka, jenis sambungan dan jumlah sekrup di setiap sambungan.
3. Ketiga adalah pemasangan dan perakitan rangka baja ringan. Anda perlu memastikan bahwa pemasang bukan oleh sembarang tukang. Yakinkan diri anda bahwa pemasang rangka atap baja ini telah memiliki sertifikat laik pasang. Dengan demikian anda mendapat jaminan bahwa desain berupa gambar yang benar untuk siap dipasang dengan benar pula.
4. Dan keempat adalah pengawasan berkala dari supervisor yang telah ditunjuk oleh fabricator maupun dari pemilik brand.

Setelah keempat hal tadi sudah lengkap, jangan lupa anda meminta surat garansi produk dan pemasangan.
